Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Clipper is an 'inspired' work?

I realize that my previous post is quite heavy in content. So, I wanted to post something more succinct from the same event that may tickle your interest in reading, or listening, further.

If you fast forward the audio linked to in my previous post to 2:06:55, you'll get to hear Tom Hardy, Bountiful's City Manager, elevate the Davis County Clipper to the status of a 'Standard Work', along with the Bible, Book of Mormon, et. al.

Hardy said, "We do not include the Ogden Standard as part of the inspired works".

Well, I wonder what the Standard Examiner readership might say to that?

Ann Hardy questions Citizens for Tax Fairness

Political Subdivisions Interim Committee--September 20th, 2006

I'll post a section of the discussion from a meeting at a State Legislature Committee meeting. The entire audio can be heard here.

The topic of discussion was "Using Public Funds to Promote Political Issues", specifically, centered on the Rec Center fiasco of a couple of years ago.

It begins 1:39:20 into the discussion with a question posed to Ronald Mortensen who was testifying in front of the committee.

Ann Hardy:
I would like to ask you how you think it's fair to taxpayers, for the last two years, for you to have taken up the time of taxpayer paid, elected officials-both County Commissioners, the County Clerk, five Mayors, City Council Members, the Attorney General, and now bring it to the Legislature. If you added that up I would guess it's probably thousands of dollars of taxpayer money that's been involved in this and I want to know how you feel that that's being fair to taxpayers?

Ronald Mortensen:
I think it's fair for a citizen to exercise their right to participate in the system. I don't think that we're...if we're doing that than nobody should become involved. Or, if we're going to put a dollar value on every time we talk to somebody, or, ask a Legislator to do something. And, I think that the system is enhanced if there is a challenge. We do challenge things! We question, why is this tax going to this? Why is this tax rate like this? Why are we building this? Why should we be doing this? And, there's different, divergent, points of view on it. It's not a uniform, or a monolithic
government where government is all-knowing and government is all-right. If you don't have public discourse in the process then you are going to have abuse of the system, you are going to have corruption come into the system. And you have...There are different groups out there that have voices. And, all we're doing is we're giving a certain voice to a certain area of concern, and I hope that we're not saying that we are going to be denied the opportunity to do that because it inopportunes public officials?

Ann Hardy: Could I make a comment?

Walker: You bet!

Ann Hardy: That wasn't really my point. My point was obviously you have that right, and any citizen has that right, but at some point you have to recognize the fact, especially after the Attorney General has ruled in the manner that he did, or one of his staff, that maybe you need to move on to another issue.

Ronald Mortensen: Well, I think you could say that. I think, though, if you look at the way the Attorney General--if you go to court and you get a...and there is a decision made in a court. You have the right to appeal that decision if you think that a mistake was made on an issue of law or, on an issue of the facts. And, that's all we're doing in this situation it's not--We just asked the Attorney General to take another look at it. Did you overlook something? And uh...and that's all we asked on this issue on it. So, I don't see that there's anything wrong with doing that. And like I say, I've been gone for two months, so I'm not badgering people every day when I'm sitting in Beirut. I'm not uh, not uh, as I guess I've been portrayed as badgering public officials.

I could have gone on beyond this, but I think this, alone, speaks volumes.

Monday, September 18, 2006

A Letter to the Past: September 2, 2001

September 2, 2006

If this letter has reached you then you can be sure that I have reached the destination that we discussed previously. Having made it thus far I can tell you that your journey may not be easy, as we once thought. And, what is worse, you may have to tread it alone. I will, however, attempt to give you hints as to what awaits you.

Several days travel for you, from now, lies a place where a great battle commenced. Many people died, and many heros were proven on that ground. Though you may think it best to not journey there, I would beg of you, for all of our sakes, that you go. Who knows but that you may prove to be one of those hero's. Or, if not, we cannot say whether your words will be the last that another hears. We must not rob those, lost to us now, of such a moment. One day yours may be our cause to fight on another field. For all that may occur, it is best that you go forward. For, as has been eloquently said by another, "they purpose not their deaths when they propose their services."(Henry V, 4.1.147)1

It was not long after that some did first question the motives of those who stood to protect that ground, but it is my hope that your voice will not add to that company. If it had been an inside job, it would have to be one that was planned long before. Not months, as has been said.

Who can say how many were involved in such a dastardly plot to take so many lives. Is it thousands? We still don't know. More plans have been made to harm us by others. Which is why we continue the battle even today. May you, one day, make it here to battle with us. Not against us as is wont to happen in war.

Whatever may happen there for you, it is my hope that we will meet, again, soon. Remember the words that bore us on, through difficult times, in past battles.

Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet.
Lest we forget - lest we forget!2

Your Friend

Petition to End Women's Suffrage

Who wants to end the suffrage of women everywhere?

Youtube: End Womens Suffrage

Learn to read.
Then read,
and read some more.

Republican Blog: Top Ten

It appears the news is out that I am a registered Republican. I can't believe that I never let that fact slip out before, but I can appreciate the disappointment that it must be to those who thought that I was a liberal. The request was made in comment to my last post that I change the name of this blog to "Republican Davis County Watch". Just for fun, I'd like to discuss the possible implications of the proposed change in the following way.

The top ten reasons to change the name of this blog to "Republican Davis County Watch".

10) People who might otherwise agree with me will begin to see my true nature as the 'spawn of evil'.
9) As no Democrats ever get elected in Davis County, this will eliminate any illusion that they are in power.
8) To prevent any confusion between this and the "Green Party Davis County Watch".
7) Have you ever compared a Republican Watch with the generic version? Try it now, and you'll wonder how you ever told time without a minute hand!
6) Because, maybe I will get to vote in the Primary and my blog will get a vote too.
5) One day, when I forget my ID when voting, I can say, "But, I run 'Republican Davis County Watch'".
4) '' just isn't long enough!
3) Because, everybody's doing it.
2) Because Karl Rove said so.
1) Because this blog is a fiscally responsible, conservative, and carries a gun!

Litmus test for Delegates: Caught in the Middle

A similar situation to the caucuses written about in this Salt Lake Tribune article happened at my caucus on Tuesday night. I was the only nominee, that would vote for a Candidate that would support Tuition Vouchers.

It's not fun to be a dissenting voice. I was not selected as a State Delegate.

It's hard to be alone in an opinion when conspiracy theories abound. The group is wondering, 'Why is he so disagreeable?' 'Who is putting him up to this?' 'Who is funding his Candidates Campaign?'

I'm turning red from all the attention and asking myself, What is their angle? What are they worried about? They won't take my word for it that my Candidate is running on whole list of issues, and that Tuition vouchers have not come up.

They want someone without an agenda, but they have an agenda. Are the cacophony of voices just one voice-echoing, or many?

What could I have lost, if anything, in refusing to elect a candidate that didn't pass their test? Why did I stand my ground on something that is so small an issue? I suspect that something else was at stake besides school funds. Something of greater importance pressed me to resist. There is a fundamental problem in proposing a litmus test when the decision revolves around a persons character. Character is indefinable, but a litmus test demands definition. We are not all clones of one another. Something, deep within us, rebels when pressed to bend to anothers will. This is not humanities weakness, but it's greatest strength! That is not to say that mankind cannot compromise--We can leave good things behind to pursue greater things. But, our life-choices are not all-or-nothing propositions. We should not expect others to think as we do. When all voices have been heard, and reasons given, we may be left alone for a technicality.

Davis County:South Davis Recreation District Board Appointment

The appointment of a new member to the Recreation District (replacing Daryl Tweede) was on the agenda for today's Commision meeting. I was unable to attend, but wonder how it went?

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:Kanab endorses 'natural' families

I wonder what knee-jerk resolutions will result from this in other communities? Let's say Equality Utah sends a resolution to cities promoting tolerance?

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:Kanab endorses 'natural' families

Dannie McConkie wants Utah Republican National Committee job

Rumor has it that Commissioner McConkie wants to be the next Utah Republican National Committeeman. My two bits: On principle this would be a bad idea since McConkie has proven to be such a poorly constructed conservative. From a practical standpoint, he would do a great job of raising money for the GOP. Just don't let him decide how it's spent.

Hat tip: Utah Policy

Local Candidates vs. Local Bloggers

I wonder if any of the candidates running for municipal office are concerned that the local blogs feature more prominently in search engines than the official campaign websites? Campaigns come and go. Bloggers are forever.

This begs the question. Do bloggers rank well with voters?

Utahn's for Immigration Reform and Enforcement

"I think he ought to consider his views and decide whether they're consistent with the Republican Party," Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, said of the Colorado congressman" (Tancredo)

The above quote comes from which is dedicated to immigration reform. What does Cannon think Tancredo is doing that is out of line? It seems to me that the GOP Platform is all for enforcing legal immigration? What am I missing?

Republican Platform | S.L., North S.L. clash on venue

NSL and SLC are jockeying over the venue for the lawsuits--Davis County or Salt Lake County. | S.L., North S.L. clash on venue

Handcart Days: One year ago

Last year, at the Bountiful, Handcart Days Parade, the Citizens for Tax Fairness were told not to distribute fliers during the event or risk arrest. At the same time, the city distributed their own leaflets. When a complaint was submitted through the State Attorney Generals office, nothing was done. Today, we celebrate with a parade, the same freedoms that were trampled on by local officials one year ago.

Utah News 7.28.04(PDF)

DAVIS BEAT - North Salt Lake petition drive fizzles

A petition to put the decision to develop land in North Salt Lake to a ballot has not had enough signatures. Not surprising.

DAVIS BEAT - North Salt Lake petition drive fizzles

KSL: "Another Viewpoint" Editorial

KSL will air Mayor Brigg's response to a recent editorial by Duane Cardall on the land dispute in the next couple of weeks.

StandardNET/Standard-Examiner::Davis County donates unbuildable land for trail

Am I beating dead horse by talking so much about the land dispute between NSL and SLC? Yes, but I didn't kill the horse. I want to focus, this time, on some positive results that could come if NSL is allowed to do what they want with their land. Davis County has just turned over some land that would be used to build a trailhead giving Utahn's access to the National Forest to our east in Wasatch/Cache National Forest. Will we have this trailhead if all 80 acres in SL County becomes Open Space? No, it would be impossible to build a trailhead on land that is zoned as Open Space.

StandardNET/Standard-Examiner::Davis County donates unbuildable land for trail

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah

KSL News: A Line in the Sand

Duane Cardall suggests, in a recent editorial, that the benches of North Salt Lake are the final frontier on which, if development were to occur, irreparable harm would be done to the last of Utah's open spaces. He implies that North Salt Lake has succumbed to the "pressure to go higher and denser". What he fails to mention, or realize, is that only thirty out of one-hundred acres would be developed. Ten of those acres would be cemetery which, under the old definition, would have counted as 'open space'. The land in question is no more of an encroachment on open space than an adjacent community known as the 'Avenues'. Certainly, Mr Cardall isn't suggesting that the planners of the Avenues were a bane to 'open space'? And what is beyond the hundred acres in question but more open space, forever protected as Wasatch-Cache National Forest. Utah has more National Parks than any other state in the Union and our National Forests are on par with other states. A legacy we will pass to our children. Salt Lake Cities approach on open space could be better tolerated if they would enforce it everywhere. But they have, arbitrarily, targeted one property owner.

KSL News: A Line in the Sand

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah:Utah not to be affected by property ruling

It appears that the eminent domain case that made it to the Supreme Court has no effect in Utah. The ruling only applies to instances where a local government might seize land in order to sell it for a profit--that is illegal in Utah.

Salt Lake Tribune - Utah: Utah not to be affected by property ruling | Salt Lake County offers open-space funds if cities play nice

Let's take a look into the tactics employed by Rocky in preventing North Salt Lake from developing any of it's 80 acres within Salt Lake County. Would he go so far as to condemn all 80 acres? No. That would look bad and it would be costly since the city still has to pay 'fair market value' for the land that is condemned. Rather he's going to condemn 12 acres, on North Salt Lakes border, rendering the other 68 acres useless. The net effect for North Salt Lake is the same as if Rocky had taken the whole thing and Rocky can say, 'we only took 12 acres'.

North Salt Lake has already applied for preservation funds so that open space can be preserved. Rocky can't, justly, argue that North Salt Lake won't preserve the scene on the hilltop. North Salt Lakes driving interest is to preserve open space or they would have made a bid to develop more than one-third of the land. | Salt Lake County offers open-space funds if cities play nice

Clippertoday:‘It was an ambush’ says irate mayor

North Salt Lake's budget to do legal battle with Salt Lake City is limited-5 million dollars. However, Mayor Briggs is prepared to go to court to get the full market value of our land. In the end we would lose more money by just yielding to Salt Lake, than would be spent defending our position.
“I think Mr. Anderson has forced us to go to court. We’ll have to be the people to fight his condemnation. If we sat back today and did nothing he’d win. That would be socially, morally and fiscally irresponsible for us to do that.”
This article is, almost entirely, direct quotes of Mayor Briggs. It gives a good view of the Mayors real position-that of an open-space advocate.
Clippertoday:'It was an ambush' says irate mayor

AP Wire | 06/20/2005 | Supreme Court sides with city in land case

An analogue to the land debate between North Salt Lake and Salt Lake has recently made it to the Supreme Court. According to the article it may be harder now to argue the unconstitutionality of seizing land through eminent domain as Rocky is trying to do.

AP Wire | 06/20/2005 | Supreme Court sides with city in land case | Mayor fights for North S.L. land in S.L.

Mayor Kay Briggs has a profile in today's Deseret News. Briggs has proven himself to be a formidable opponent to, Salt Lake city neighbor, Rocky Anderson. | Mayor fights for North S.L. land in S.L.

Utah Planners' Corner

Wilf Sommerkorn is offering his opinion on Rocky's, rocky, rally. (cute, huh?)

Utah Planner's Corner:rhetoric-heats-up-in-north-salt-lake | Rocky, North Salt Lake clash over foothill land

Yesterdays clash over the land owned by NSL has been reported on by the Deseret News. It seems that Rocky is trying to be a NIMNBY (Not-in-my-neighbors-back-yard) over the land; an innovative kind of activist that doesn't care as much about what happens in his backyard as he does in his neighbors. He didn't have the support of the Salt Lake City Council when he proposed condeming a portion of the land which would make it impossible for NSL to develop.

"'It's my back yard, and I'll tell you one thing — we will do our best to preserve it,' Briggs said. 'We won't turn it into what they have turned (the Avenues) into. That's our promise. Our promise is open space. We will deal with it, and we will justifiably make it beautiful.'" | Rocky, North Salt Lake clash over foothill land

Update: KUTV has more on the story. Apparently Rocky's offer for the 13 acres of land he wants condemned is $51,188.

KSL Blog: Crashing Rocky's Rally...

KSL Blog is talking about Rocky Andersons Rally, held today, that I've talked about previously. Apparently, Mayor Briggs, and his supporters, crashed the party, and some arguments insued. Rocky spoke about condeming some of the land within Salt Lake City boundaries eliciting heckling from, none other, than Kay Briggs himself. Rocky is losing his grip on reality.

KSL Blog: Crashing Rocky's Rally... | Rocky calls rally to protest plan for housing on North S.L. bench

I am tired of Rocky Anderson trying to sway public opinion in his fickle favor when his interest in the dispute is entirely political. In this case political interests do not equal moral, or ethical interests. What North Salt Lake does with their land is not up to the citizens of Salt Lake City. There are enough legal reasons that SLC ought not to be involved in how the land is used that this issue should be decided by the officials and electorate of North Salt Lake City. | Rocky calls rally to protest plan for housing on North S.L. bench | Land-use debate grows in North S.L.

I think it may be time for me to work up a petition for Mayor Briggs, and the NSL city council to ask them to develop what land they can in the 80 acres of land in SLC boundaries. According to Stan Porter, of the Planning Commision, "It would go better if we had public support," Porter said in an interview Wednesday. "We don't know what the public support is." Unlike Porter, I think that Mayor Briggs, and the Council have been very communicative with the community. I attended the focus group, and I believe the entire Planning Commission were there to answer questions.

I'm ready to weigh in my support for the development of 30 acres of the total 100 covering both NSL and SLC boundaries. | Land-use debate grows in North S.L.

Cable 17: Sponsorship questioned

In attending the Townhall meeting for the County this week, I raised the issue of the Government sponsorship of Cable 17. I was surprised to hear, in response, that Davis County does not sponsor the station. Surprised, because the County website declares, "Davis County Government is proud to sponsor Davis Cable Channel 17..." I pushed on that issue, and it ultimately was admitted, by Commmisioner McConkie, that the County does make a monetary contribution. My point is this, I've learned not to take anything at face value. If pressed, most people will reveal their true feelings on an issue, so press them. Be vocal and respectful.

Davis County: Townhall meeting results

I went to the Townhall meeting last night and spoke plenty of my mind. I would hope I did not disappoint those whose cause is the same, but knowledge is greater, and methodology is different. I was not cautious in my statements, and trust that my comments were recieved in good spirits. The atmosphere was decidedly more friendly that other political forums in which I have participated. Unfortunately, there were only about a dozen citizens(non-elected, non-appointed, non-officials) there. Some immediate good did come from this for me, in that I will be sitting down with the County Auditor, Steve Rawlings to go over the budget in the next week. Thus begins my education in County Government. How can more people be influenced to get involved in local and national issues? Post a comment on your experiences in politics.

North Salt Lake: Recreation Meeting

Last night, I attended the Focus Group held by the Planning Commission to discuss the building and preservation of Parks, Trails, and Open Spaces for the City. As is often the case in these meetings, some of those that attended had the most unrealistic of desires for the city. I was impressed, however, with how responsible the Planning Commission, and the Mayor, themselves were. They seemed to understand that, to be fiscally sound, the City should not get into greater debt. Below, I summarize, what seemed to be the frightening consensus of those in the Focus Group.
  • North Salt Lake should contribute to the building of the Multi-million dollar Soccer Facility proposed by Salt Lake City (SLC is asking for seven million dollars from NSL).
  • The hundred acres, eighty of which rests in Salt Lake County boundaries, should be left as open space, and not developed(although, developing this land could provide ample revenue to provide for some parks and trails).
  • A park, the same scale of the North Canyon Park, should be built down the street from the former park.
  • The Focus Group would like a pool, and basketball courts within city limits (despite the fact that NSL voted against the 23 million dollar Recreation Center that is to be built anyway in 2006).
  • In addition to the above, the Focus group would like all 25 miles of proposed trail to be built, with ample parking at the head of the major trails.
I think a common misconception about communities that build their own large facilities is that they will earn a profit and pay for themselves. If that were the case, then private industry would lead in building the Mega-facilities, and Government would stay out of the business of recreation. I hope North Salt Lake will act moderately, in providing the community with their Parks and Trails.

Are Blogs the New Journalism

For those who want to know the impetus behind my starting a blog on Davis County read this article. Blogs have become a powerful medium to drive change, and I want what has happened nationally, to occur locally.

Are Blogs the New Journalism?

Nay: Phrase not found!

I just searched all the Davis County Commission Public meeting minutes back to January for the word Nay, and came up with nothing. Do any of the Commissioners ever disagree? Or, do we have a severe case of Political Groupthink. I've seen complete agreement to exist in other settings besides County government. I suspect dissent is rare, or extinct among most of the 15 cities within Davis County, and the thought frightens me. I want the wheels of progress to keep turning, but not at the expense of intelligent thought. When the public show up at a Truth-in Taxation hearing and express concern, only to be brushed aside by a unanimous vote, we feel betrayed!

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